Topic: Visa for a Russian wife - American husband lives and works in Russia
Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 24 April 2002 15:24
Только что прочитала статью о девушке Майе из Сибири, которой не дали визу для визита семьи мужа в США. Я, конечно, не знаю, в Москве правила могут быть другие, но, по-моему, не все уж так плохо. Конечно же, имеют значение многие факторы: предыдущие визиты в США, работа, присутствие мужа при подаче заявления на визу и т.д. Я замужем за американцем, мы работаем вместе в российско-американской компании. Знакомы 2 года, поженились в январе 2002. Я до этого дважды была в США - по работе. Получили многократную визу на прошлой неделе - даже без интервью. Мы просто пришли в консульство, показали все документы, сказали, что иммиграционные документы начнем оформлять со временем, ближе к отъезду - я не хочу бросать мужа тут одного. Планируем прожить в России еще 2-3 года, а затем переехать в США. Получили визу в тот же день.
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KatyaS Участник Posts: 1296 From: Dallas, Tx, USA Registered: Oct 2001
posted 24 April 2002 18:25
...Which proves that fairy tales & happy ends still happen in this cruel world!
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Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 24 April 2002 18:44
Well, that also proves, that if you're not trying to cheat the system you'll be awarded. But, being honest with you, I felt pretty nervous going to the Consulate. ... happens to the best of us...
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KatyaS Участник Posts: 1296 From: Dallas, Tx, USA Registered: Oct 2001
posted 24 April 2002 19:04
Uh-oh...Somebody got quite an attitude...Dear "Sweetie" , you are not the one who got lucky getting visa. I got all my 3 visas rather easy But there're some people on this site, who didn't. Of course, somebody, probably, "cheated the system" , but I am not sure all of them. So here's my advice - don't judge and be modest.
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Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 24 April 2002 19:25
Hey, you got me wrong. I wasn't bragging at all. What I was trying to say is: there is a chance. I was told by our colleagues here, that once we're married - there is no other way to the USA but immigration. No visits, nothing. And about "other" people - there is a lot of system abuse here. I don't mean Russia only. Anyway, I apologize if I hurted someone feelings. Just forget it.
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KatyaS Участник Posts: 1296 From: Dallas, Tx, USA Registered: Oct 2001
posted 24 April 2002 19:42
Hmm... but that's what I said in my 1st response to you, meaning such things happen and 'slava bogu!' Glad we are friends again! How's the weather in StPetersburg? I'm going to Moscow next week, thinking what to wear...
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Pavelm Участник Posts: 83 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 24 April 2002 20:35
Wait...You got this visa in the St. Petersburg's consulate??? Hmm... From what I'm hearing St. Petersburg's consulate is much more liberal and less cruel... Noone knows if what would happen in Moscow. A good friend of mine was there in the April and she witnessed how a husband of an American woman ( also working, living in Russia, but in Moscow ) got DENIED a visitor's visa. All she wanted to do is to show her husband to her family back in the states ( they've been married for a couple of years ). And not only didn't they give him a visa, but they treated her like crap in the process. The conversation was in English of course.
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Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 25 April 2002 09:25
I suppose the American consulate in StPete might be more liberal as you said. A friend of mine, also married to an American, got B1/B2 visa with annotation: AMCIT SPOUSE LIVES AND WORKS IN RUSSIA last year. We followed her advice and were successful too. As a matter of fact, everyone inside the Consulate were VERY polite. Like I said, even asked if we would like to get a visa the same day. In the afternoon I happend to talk to the consul (I wanted to know if we can get the copies of our contracts back) -he was so NICE. He apologized and said that they have too much paperwork, so our papers were already shredded. He wished us a nice trip and pleasant stay. Speaking of treating like crap - those were guards (RUSSIANS themselves), who treated us bad. They were all smiles then my husband talked to them, but when he said that he is here with his Russian wife to get her visa - yeah, uh-ha -go stay in line! And he didn't mind doing that - but the way they treated us... Anyway, life is tough, and then you die. Regards to everyone.
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Pavelm Участник Posts: 83 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 25 April 2002 09:58
Thanks for your reply,Would you happen to know what's the best way of contacting the consulate in St. Pete? Did you have any experience in that? I need to either call them or send an e-mail regarding a question I have. Do you know if they'd respond? How did you husband contact them ( if he did )? By the way, if you want to call Moscow's consulate it's about a $1 per minute - they will tell you nothing on the regular phone, they will direct you to a paid line. Thanks again for your help, Pavel P.S. Your English is better than an average American's.
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Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 25 April 2002 10:25
Well, thank you for the compliment. I know well what "avarage American's" means. That's not my goal. My husband is very well spoken (not only for an American). Regarding the consulate in StPete: you can call them free of charge (if you're in StPete, naturally). That's what my husband did. Their phone # is the following: (812) 275-1701 (call from 9:00 am till 17:00 pm). You can call any time, but the thing is that they answer questions regarding immigration stuff in the morning, and non immigration - in the afternoon. But in any case they will tell you, when you have to call them back. Good luck!
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Pavelm Участник Posts: 83 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 25 April 2002 11:48
Thanks alot for the info.I live in Los Angeles, California, so an "Average American" here is generally well educated ( not even mentionning the immigrants ). I did mean the compliment in the best way, and you shouldn't be ashamed to accept it. If I lived in Butthole, Oklahoma - now that's another matter, and an Average American there is NOT an Average American in a big City like Los Angeles, and in California as a whole. Generally it's not easy for a Non-native speaking to achive your level of English comprehension, so congrads! Thanks again and good luck with everything, nice talking to you.
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SPaul Участник Posts: 101 From: Registered: Nov 2000
posted 02 May 2002 10:58
quote: Originally posted by Sweetypie: Well, thank you for the compliment. I know well what "avarage American's" means. That's not my goal. My husband is very well spoken (not only for an American). Regarding the consulate in StPete: you can call them free of charge (if you're in StPete, naturally). That's what my husband did. Their phone # is the following: (812) 275-1701 (call from 9:00 am till 17:00 pm). You can call any time, but the thing is that they answer questions regarding immigration stuff in the morning, and non immigration - in the afternoon. But in any case they will tell you, when you have to call them back. Good luck!
Thanks for information here. My question is : If my wife lives in Moscow region and Moscow embassy closer to her, can she go to ST.Peter Embassy or there is some lows about. Spasibo. Sorry for my InGllish.
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JuliaMI Участник Posts: 102 From: Midland, MI, USA Registered: Sep 2001
posted 03 May 2002 04:40
To SRaul: sorry, but your wife should go to the nearest embassy (in Moscow). One my friend tryed to get B1 visa in SPb - having "propiska" in Tver'. Her documents were rejected in a moment. And SPb embassy does not have any deal with K1, K3 and many other types of US visas.
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SPaul Участник Posts: 101 From: Registered: Nov 2000
posted 04 May 2002 13:51
quote: Originally posted by JuliaMI: To SRaul: sorry, but your wife should go to the nearest embassy (in Moscow). One my friend tryed to get B1 visa in SPb - having "propiska" in Tver'. Her documents were rejected in a moment. And SPb embassy does not have any deal with K1, K3 and many other types of US visas.
Whats about Warsawa ,can we go there ? Thank you.
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Pavelm Участник Posts: 83 From: Los Angeles, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05 May 2002 00:52
SPaulEsli u neio est' propiska v Pitere ( mozno vremennuu zdelat' esli znakomie est' - glavnoe chto bi bil real'niy address ) to mozete idti v Piterskoe posol'stvo. Chto bi idti v Varshavu - ona dolzna bit' grazdankoi Urkraini, ili Belorussii ( po moimu ). Mi s moei nevestoi kak raz rabotaem nad etim voprsom ( naschet Pitera ), esli hochesh - e-mail me, ya rasskazu chto mi delaem. Pavel
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Iron_Orchid Участник Posts: 82 From: FL, ex-Moscow, Russia Registered: May 2002
posted 14 May 2002 10:06
Скажите, а вы зарегистрировали Ваш брак в России или в Америке? quote: Originally posted by Sweetypie: Только что прочитала статью о девушке Майе из Сибири, которой не дали визу для визита семьи мужа в США. Я, конечно, не знаю, в Москве правила могут быть другие, но, по-моему, не все уж так плохо. Конечно же, имеют значение многие факторы: предыдущие визиты в США, работа, присутствие мужа при подаче заявления на визу и т.д. Я замужем за американцем, мы работаем вместе в российско-американской компании. Знакомы 2 года, поженились в январе 2002. Я до этого дважды была в США - по работе. Получили многократную визу на прошлой неделе - даже без интервью. Мы просто пришли в консульство, показали все документы, сказали, что иммиграционные документы начнем оформлять со временем, ближе к отъезду - я не хочу бросать мужа тут одного. Планируем прожить в России еще 2-3 года, а затем переехать в США. Получили визу в тот же день.
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Sweetypie Участник Posts: 47 From: Finland/USA Registered: Aug 2001
posted 14 May 2002 23:42
We got married in Helsinki, Finland. Saved us lots of time (vs. formalities in Russia).
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specialist Участник Posts: 14 From: Russia Registered: May 2002
posted 18 May 2002 07:18
Добрый день! Я была в штатах в Марте по бизнесу, в JFK я сказала, что на две недели, а мне шлепнули три месяца. Я хочу въехать в США летом на 6 месяцев у меня мультивиза на год В1 (для бизнеса). Кто уже знает точные сведения, скажите пожалуйста уже утвердили этот новый жестокий закон о 30 днях? Кто-нибудь кто пересекал после 13 Мая границу откликнитесь, сколько Вам срок пребывания в US поставили? Очень важно!!! Пожалуйста! За ранее спасибо :-)
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