Topic: Виза или статус?
vmt Участник Posts: 3 From: Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05 March 2002 05:26
Ситуация - уже есть виза В2, но собираюсь учиться. Что предпочтительнее - въехать по В2, потусоваться месяц и подать на изменение статуса, или получать F? Graduate program, но ведь могут и завернуть, а так вроде гарантия. И второй вопрос. Паспорт истекает в декабре 2002. Если получать F, поставят ли летом и пустят ли ближе к сентябрю или надо получить новый паспорт? Спасибо.
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raevsky Участник Posts: 4884 From: Registered: Jan 2000
posted 05 March 2002 06:03
S momenta v'ezda do podachi na smenu statusa sleduet podjdat'. Luchshe bolee 60 dnei. V kainem sluchae - bol'she 30.Esli u vas rossiiskoe grajdanstvo, to vizu letom dadut.
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vmt Участник Posts: 3 From: Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05 March 2002 06:20
Спасибо, и все таки, как разумнее поступить, менять статус или просить визу? И почему с российским гражданством визу летом дадут? Насколько я помню, с гостевыми паспорт должен должен быть действителен 6 мес. после предполагаемой даты возвращения домой, а как со студенческими? И почему в данном случае имеет значение гражданство?
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raevsky Участник Posts: 4884 From: Registered: Jan 2000
posted 05 March 2002 06:56
A gde vy budete uchit'sia? V principe, poluchat' F-1 pravil'nee v liubom sluchae. Esli budete meniat' status, to do okonchatel'noi smeny uchit'sia budet nel'zia.So vsemi neimmigracionnymi vizami pasport doljen byt' deistvitelen 6 mesiacev vpered. S Rossiei - dvustoronnii dogovor. Ob avtomaticheskom prodlenii sroka deistvia pasporta na 6 mesiacev vpered. Petomu s rossiei pasport deistvitelen do daty okonchania sroka pasporta, a ne na 6 mesiacev men'she. To je samoe i s amerikanskim pasportom v Rossii. Na usloviah vzaimnosti. Iz SNG takoi dogovor tol'ko s Rossiei. [This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 05 March 2002).]
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vmt Участник Posts: 3 From: Registered: Mar 2002
posted 05 March 2002 16:26
Все это очень радует, насчет того, что с рос. паспортом можно подавать до конца срока действия, но дело в том, что, будучи гражданином России, я буду подавать на визу вне России. Все ли америк. посольства осведомлены о том, какие паспорта действительны, а какие нет (кроме того, INS на въезде тоже на это смотрит)? Не можете ли дать сылку на этот договор в сети? Спасибо.
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raevsky Участник Posts: 4884 From: Registered: Jan 2000
posted 05 March 2002 16:56
Vam mogut otkazat'sia davat' vizu ne v strane jitel'stva. Vprochem, esli eto Meksika ili Kanada, a vy ne byli bez statusa v USA - F-1 tam vy smojete poluchit'.Detali dogovora s Rossiei vhodiat v manual po vydache viz, kotoryi lejit v liubom konsul'stve USA. Vot polnyi spiskok stran, s kotorymi est' podobnyi dogovor: Rossia daleko ne odinoka v etom spiske, no iz SNG stran bol'she net. A vot poiasnenie k etomu spisku: quote:
9 FAM 41.104 N2 Countries Having Agreements With United States on Extended Validity of Passports 9 FAM 41.104 N2.1 Extending Validity Beyond Expiration Date in Passport (TL:VISA-327; 10-17-2001) a. Some countries have agreements with the United States whereby their passports are recognized as valid for return to the country concerned for a period of six months beyond the expiration date specified in the passport. The effect of these agreements is to extend the period of validity of the passport for six months beyond the expiration date appearing on the face of the document, for the purposes of INA 212(a)(7)(B)(i)(I). b. As passports issued by the countries listed in 9 FAM 41.104 Exhibit I meet the requirements of INA 212(a)(7)(B)(i)(I) until the date shown for expiration, the consular officer could issue a visa at any time prior to that date. However, such action might not be practical when only a very narrow margin of time remains. c. The consular officer shall inform the visa recipient that admission into the United States will not be granted by the immigration authorities for a period extending beyond the actual expiration date shown in the passport, and that the alien’s stay in the United States cannot be extended beyond that date until an extension of the validity of the passport has been obtained. d. The consular officer shall not issue a visa on the basis of an expired passport unless the applicant is able to present to the consular officer collateral documentation which, together with the expired passport, meets the requirements of INA 101(a)(30) and INA 212(a)(7)(B)(i)(I). 9 FAM 41.104 N2.2 Passport Validity Insufficient to Cover U.S. Visit (TL:VISA-192; 05-14-1999) If an applicant presents a passport valid for more than six months but not sufficient to permit admission for the entire period of stay contemplated, the consular officer shall urge the applicant to have the passport extended, renewed, or replaced before visa issuance. In the event that this is not feasible until after the alien’s arrival in the United States, the officer may issue the visa. The officer shall then advise the applicant that the initial period of stay will be limited because of the limited validity of the passport. The consular office should also explain the procedures for seeking an extension of stay from INS. Except for aliens covered by the provisions of 9 FAM 41.104 N2.1, the passport must be valid for more than six months, since an alien presenting a passport valid for six months or less would be inadmissible at a port of entry.
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 05 March 2002).]
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