Te dokumenty, kotorye perechislila Kysa - trebuiutsia dlia humanitarian parolia.
Dlia B-2 vse namnogo prosce, no tem ne menee luchshe priderjivat'sia togo je standarta.Dlia poluchenia humanitarnogo parolia trebuetsia emergency. Mne kajetsia, eto ne vash sluchai. Emergency - eto opasnost' dlia jizni, no nikak ne planovaia rutinnaia medicinskaia operacia, sposobnaia ispravit' vrojdennyi nedostatok. Poetomu ia dumaiu, chto v parole vam budet otkazano.
Dlia lechenia polojena viza B-2 [visitors for pleasure, medical reasons]. Esli lechenie zatiajnoe i ego nel'zia provesti za polojennye 6 mesiacev (maksimal'noe razreshennoe prebyvanie po B-2; mne kajetsia u vashei znakomoi ne budet problem s etim limitom), to mojno prodavat' na gumanitarnyi parol' (application na nego budet rassmatrivat'sia v ofise INS v Rime, http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/services/humanparole/index.htm). Dlia poluchenia gumanitarnogo parolia prodoljitel'nost' lechenia ne doljna prevyshat' 1 goda.
Ia rekomenduiu poluchat' vizu B-2. Eto namnogo prosce i bystree. Vizu B-2 s etoi cel'iu mojno poluchit' v konsul'stve USA, imeiuscem iurisdikciu nad vashim mestom projivania. Hotia application na humanitarian parol' toje mojno zapolnit' v blijaishem konsul'stve, rassmatrivat'sia ono budet v Rime.
Pro medicinskie vizity po B-2 smotrite, naprimer, http://www.foreignborn.com/visas_imm/other_visas/9tourism_business_med.htm
Vot oficial'nyi tekst 9FAM (instrukcii gosdepartamenta po vydache viz):
9 FAM 41.31 N10 Aliens Coming to the United States as Visitors for Pleasure
(TL:VISA-2; 8-30-87)
Aliens who wish to enter the United States temporarily for pleasure, and who are otherwise eligible to receive visas, may be classifiable as nonimmigrant B-2 visitors provided they meet the criteria listed below.
9 FAM 41.31 N10.2 Medical Reasons
(TL:VISA-2; 8-30-87)
Aliens coming to the United States for health purposes. [See 22 CFR 40.7(a)(1-6) and 22 CFR 40.7(a)(15).]
O poluchenii gumanitarnogo parolia v medicinskih celiah chitaite http://www.ilw.com/lawyers/immigdaily/ins_news/2001,0329-Parole.shtm
9 FAM PART IV Appendix N, 606 Humanitarian Parole
Application Requirements
(TL:VISA-179; 08-21-1998)
For each prospective parolee, INS requires the following in any recom-
mendation or direct request:
(1) Complete name, date, and place of birth for the prospective pa-
(2) Immigration status and alien registration number, if applicable;
(3) Occupation and current address abroad;
(4) Relationship to sponsor in the United States;
(5) Confirmation that the required fee has been paid;
(6) Length of time for which parole is sought, not to exceed one year;
(7) Results of recent medical examination by a panel physician when
the parole is for medical reasons;
(8) Sponsor's complete name, date, and place of birth;
(9) Sponsor's immigration status and alien registration number, if
(10) Statement of how and by whom medical care, housing and other
subsistence needs will be provided for the prospective parolee;
(11) Statement of why a U.S. visa cannot be obtained for the prospec-
tive parolee, and/or why a waiver is not available;
(12) Verification of prospective parolee's approved immigrant visa peti-
tion, where applicable;
(13) Statement of the emergent reasons why parole should be author-
ized; and
(14) Documentation verifying assertions made in support of the parole
request (for direct requests by the prospective parolee to the INS) or, for
cases involving a post recommendation, confirmation that the recommend-
ing consular officer has seen such documentation.
9 FAM PART IV Appendix N, 608 INS District Offices
Abroad and Jurisdictions
(TL:VISA-179; 08-21-1998)
The following are INS district offices abroad and their respective jurisdic-
(1) INS Mexico: ARA region
(2) INS Rome: EUR, (except Canada), AF, NEA, and SA regions
(3) INS Bangkok: EAP region
NOTE: Posts in Canada may submit parole recommendations to the
INS office at the nearest U.S. or Canadian port of entry.
9 FAM PART IV Appendix N, 612 Parole and Public
(TL:VISA-179; 08-21-1998)
a. Prospective parolees must demonstrate that they have access to
sufficient funds to cover the costs of their stay. This is especially critical
when humanitarian parole is sought for medical reasons. In such cases,
the sponsor's offer to pay for the planned medical treatment should be sup-
ported by strong evidence of the individual's financial resources.
NOTE: Prospective parolees who wish to submit an affidavit of support
from their sponsor should use Form I-134.
b. Since the cost of medical treatment can often run to six figures
even for relatively routine procedures, consular officers should apply realis-
tic standards in evaluating a sponsor's ability to pay. Claims that medical
expenses will be paid for by the sponsor's medical insurance company
should be verified, since few insurance companies provide coverage for in-
dividuals who are not immediate family members of the insured principal.
Providing such information in the initial parole request or recommendation
facilitates INS's review of cases and avoids delays in process.
c. In cases where an alien has applied directly to INS for parole, the
INS District Office may indicate in the notification cable that the applicant
has access to sufficient resources. Consular officers are nonetheless re-
sponsible for ensuring that parolees have met the public charge provision.
[See 9 FAM 42.1 N5.3.] If, at the time of processing, a post learns that
these funds are not, in fact, available, the post can request that the parolee
provide further evidence of resources. Should it become clear that the pa-
rolee lacks adequate resources, the post should notify the approving INS
[This message has been edited by raevsky (edited 17 June 2001).]